Quality Standards

I will never forget "that day", the day of pure hell, the day that made me cry blood, this is my story...
It all started when I wrote my first Creepypasta, "AceBlaze the Killer", I put my heart and soul into it, I made sure to have as much spellllling correctivity and the bestest grammar Evers, as w'e'l'l az the goooodest pun"ctuation' ever.
Anyways, I finished my totally kawaii story, finishing it within 1 hour, I knew that I had the bestest grammar and spelling and everything so I didn't need to check :). I hit the submit button and awaited the totally awesome comments from everyone, I knew they were going to say great things about my story, I mean, this IS deviantArt right?
A solid 20 seconds passed of me hitting the "Refresh" option on the page, waiting for a comment that told me I was special, when suddenly...
The page magically disappeared, I noticed a big red box had replaced the area where my wall of text used to be. The red box stated
"This page has been deleted due to reasons given by the administrator:
-Doesn't meet the quality standards" is what the red box said.
Furious is too little of a word for me to describe my anger, or in my case, too big of a word.
I cried my eyes out, I ran to my room, locked the door, got on the floor, then I walked the dinosaur. After that, I grabbed my hairpin, turned on the radio, put in a CD of Linkin Park, then I started cutting myself with the hairpin to the music of "In the End."
After I was done wallowing in my sorrow, I ran back down to my computer and started typing up a storm, making sure to spam the admin's message wall, crying over their incompetence, don't they know a classic when they see it?!
My comments consisted of "UR a cuck" and "u need 2 get a life u poser twat1". It took me approximately 20 hours to get a reply, FINALLY someone responds to my well thought out comments! The reply came from some poser bitch named Princess Callie, she said...
"We're sorry you didn't read the Quality Standards, clearly that's our fault!"
"What the hell are quality standards?" I thought to myself. But the reply doesn't end there...
"We're sorry you think that you don't need any actual writing skill to write a good story."
I couldn't stand this poser anymore, so I started to cuss, spam, and elaborately give good, well thought out replies to the poser.
That's when I got another reply, this time from some other poser, but it wasn't an actual "reply", it was a link. The link brought me to my story, but it was on a different site...
"NOEZ!!!!11!11!" I scream, my story was on... THE TROLLPASTA WIKI!!!!!!!!!!